Of course this is a very serious issue due to the fact that if you ever decide to update or change your device, you will lose all GB WhatsApp PRO chats even though its different from Deleting Whatsapp messages. GB WhatsApp PRO is also offering cloud backups, but again, not Google Drive as it comes in the standard agent. Instead, backup uses a local storage for which users need to manage themselves. There are around 45% of GB WhatsApp PRO users who prefer to backup their chats, mainly because they use this method as a way not to lose even more important messages (for making business).
First of all, go to the settings menu in your app It is under the “Chats” section where users can see a link to files stored locally on their device including conversations, images and data using the chat backup option. It usually takes 1 — 3 minutes and that depends on the amount of data. Backups of chat histories with lots and lots of media may take the backup duration to 5 minutes for longer chats. Device storage: If there is not enough memory, backups will fail to run for 1 in every 5 users who are determined that they have no more space.
First it creates a local file (this file is stored in the internal storage of your phone, usually in “GBWhatsApp” directory). The free JVM folder: Users can browse manually to this file through any File Manager app and move it to SD card or PC for more security. The vast majority of small businesses, 75%, back up their content daily or once a week; but many as 35% keep backups on external drives (redundant) because they handle sensitive client data.
Reinstating backups is also a trivial task for people who are changing their devices. When users first set up GB WhatsApp PRO on the new device, it will ask for permissions to restore the backup. Will choose local backup file so all chat, media and setting will be tranfer in one go. The procedure is usually failsafe having 90% success if only the backup file remains perfect and uploaded to your device storage properly.
Chat History Back Up: This is a very important thing to perform whenever there are updates as if this process of backing up data does not get completed then we can lose our data. Data corruption is one of the reasons why cybersecurity experts recommend that you back up at a least once weekly. This is particularly common among users who are regularly frequenting updates and change sets in app, as it can make a huge difference especially during beta testing phases when data integrity of the application is at risk.
Until there is a complete solution for data management in gb whatsapp pro, local backups remain the most reliable route that will always user be around. While it is not integrated with cloud feature, but managing local backups gives you more control over your data if you are concerned about third party services. Backups and Restored are pretty simple; even non-techie can use it as their data protection mechanism